LINKS TO FULL ENROLLMENT: Use this page to share a video about our Pro Membership. This video not only highlights all of the lifestyle benefits you get, including reducing hassles and worries in life and booking travel at wholesale prices, but it also talks about the benefits you could get when you become a Viv Pro Consultant. The links below go to a page with the video, a brief description of the membership, a lead capture page and an enrollment link. This is a great pique interest tool or follow-up tool for someone interested in learning more about our lifestyle services or fully maximizing the compensation plan as a Viv Pro Consultant.
Recommended Elevator Pitch:
When was the last time you got a flat tire, took a vacation or ran into computer troubles. Have you ever had your identity stollen, or trouble with your credit? What about needing a doctor at the last minute or while you were on vacation? Many people have individual services to help with these things, but they are all scattered and on different apps, multiple phone numbers and web links. We have a membership that gives you access to all of these services and more. It’s called the Viv Pro Membership, and you also get access to travel at wholesales prices up to 50% off rates advertised online! I can show you all the benefits included in just a couple minutes with a video.